last post for the month
Monday, December 31, 2007,1:52 PM
Last post le..
hmmm... nth to sae le..
was the shortest post for the month..
Sunday, December 30, 2007,12:28 PM
YA.. the new year r goin to start now..
a new 2008.. wishes i will hav a good start..
n i wan to countdown..
dun noe y i love such things now..
but always i will be alone at home sae such things..
no1 wan to celebrate with me.. n wat more my mum dun even let me out too late outside...
haiz... it so bored..
but nvm cos at home i can watch my tv n play my com..
平手.. so it ok loh..
1 day to countdown
2 days to 2008
3 days to bro going to sch :)
5 days to 5566 album out (i goin to take)
8 days to me going to sch :(
now slack at home..
ok.. wishes everybody a new year..
it 2008.. Rat..
ok.. bb..
Happy birthday to bro!!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007,9:51 AM
hehe.. happy birthday to my bro..
they were 15 yr old liao..
ok.. happy birthday to them..
ok.. let talk about ytd wat we doin..
emm.. ytd we go to er lao yi jia..
haha.. aiya.. i also dun how to tell..
then.. i jus tell tat as my parents dun wan to gamble as they will always ask my papa to be the "boss".. lol..
then aft tat we go home quite early..
but then me n my mum go to amk to walk n u hav buy a shirt..
it was very ccoool.. lol..
haha.. if u see u will noe wat i mean..
ok.. jus like tat loh..
their another name is ROGER & KENNY..
found familar?? roger&kenny chicken.. lol..
Christmas eve
Monday, December 24, 2007,1:55 PM
ya.. merry christmas for tml..
this year christmas day we will be goin to aunt hs to celebrate..
we jus go to eat turky, ham...etc
see wat they prepare loh..
today jus a normal day for me..
there was no holiday day mood for me...
hai..i jus going to play games again...
then ok...
i go n play games loh...
there was nth to write again...
sometimes i jus feelin a little bit lost...
a little bit of 失落感..
maybe i really miss my 5566..
it hav been continue from mon when we come back from their autograph..
everytime i will dream of them on the day we c them.. haizzz...
arhhh.. miss them now...
y mus them scatch out 5566 date.. (jan 4)
but my 5566 will win de...
they was jus a PIG.. HAHA..
pig.. ya..
my 5566 r the number 1 de.. haha..
cant really wait for the date to come, i wan to listen to their album..
n feb 2 can c them again... ya..
but dun noe if tony will rmb me... haha..
i think he will rmb ba.. im so direct n jus tell him iluvu..
haha.. i jus can forget when i sae the word.. haha..
ok.. now really go liao..
bye.. i go n play my gao gui..
time needed to write tis: 15min
Saturday, December 22, 2007,7:05 PM
i wan to sae 1 funny things..
tat my favourite shoe hav broken..
tat today i return my fren: joy poster..
then when return back my shoe broken...
n then i angry i throw it into duckpin in front of many ppl.. haaha..
i was at the bus shop there..
n i jus throw it in n walk away liao..
haha.. i dun care ppl eyesight..
i only come in n sae this loh..
now i wan to play my gao gui for 30min then i go n watch happy gogogo le..
ok.. bye..
hahaha.. so funny..
Was back..
Thursday, December 20, 2007,4:05 PM
i was back on 17 dec 10.00am..
y today come n upload.. cos...
On 17dec night then come home from 5566 autograph..
then 19 i dun feel so good already..
so today still feel a little giddy but still can come in n type wat i wan to write.. hehe..
n jus now i jus watch finish rented movie de -
death note 1&2..
n also
love queen le from youtube..
ya.. can watch others le.. but dun noe which one leh..
so start from where ne..
ok.. start from beginning..
from when we go to indo..
---------------On 16 dec---------------mornin we go to tenah merah to book for the ship..
then arn tat we go n eat arn 11.15am..
then we go to the lunch wedding dinner..
reach there arn 12.45pm..
then eat loh to arn 4.30pm ba.. cant really rmb the time..
then.. arn 5 ba we go to 拜拜.. for 安全..
the we go again to tenah merah arn 6.30pm ba..
then get the tickets.. then.. arn 8.45pm we set off to indo..
so we nid to board 2 ships then can reach the gambling ship..
the 1st one r so shaky then i feel like vomiting..
but then the next one was ok loh..
then we arn 10pm reach the ship..
then we eat then walk walk..
then arn 2am we go n slp in a small cabin..
as i cant really slp too well.. so i only slp arn 2 hours only..
then i wake up.. but dun noe if i really hav slp for 2 hr or maybe less ba..
but anyhow.. i dun hav slp too much...
then arn tat i only rest at the bed there.. my family r still asleep..
then arn 5am they wake up le.. then my mum sae she go n gamble but then come back n lose $100.. didnt win..
---------------17 dec---------------arn 6am we go to the highest level n walk walk..
then my mum sae wan to see sunrise..
so we arn 6.15am go to the ship deck..
as we arn 7.15am nid to take back our passport..
so at arn 6.45am we go off to our cabin n take our bag..
tat time i scared i cannot watch sunrise le..
n i 差一點 wan to cry..
dun noe leh wan to cry maybe i
really wan to watch sunrise ba..
then when we come back to see..
it really haven rise..
so we jus go down n prepare to leave le ba..
hai.. it really sad leh..
i didnt hav watch sunrise b4..
hai.. nvm.. as later go back i can see my 5566..
as the ship drop us at world trade center so we take bus to tenah merah to fetch our car..
then home sweet home arn 10am..
then go home i take a nap for 30min..
then at arn 1.45pm i go n change my clothes..
so like tat i miss 5566 interview.. hai.. but nvm.. cos some1 hav upload it already n i hav listen liao..
then change clothes to sembawang to meet suping..
she sae we go there early..
at arn 2.30pm i set off, i think we meet at 3pm ba.. cant rmb the time..
then reach arn 3.45pm ba.. i think so..
then we wait untill 7pm then 5566 will reach..
then at arn 7.05pm they reach liao.. yipee..
then sing song then chat with us..
we 排隊 very long.. n it squeeze n squeeze by others ppl..
but finally it reach us le..
haha.. as we can sign many by them.. so i hav 1 extra by my fren, as she cannot go so i help her to bring there to let 56 sign for her.. n will be given back to her on sat..
now still think of them.. my heart r still jumpin quite fast..
haha.. i think i like tony liao.. haha.. as i sae iloveu (injap) to him leh.. n he look at me foe quite long.. haha.. ARHHHHHHHHHHHH..
when he look at me i
feel like kiss him leh... haha...
ok.. the rest of them like zax n sam i will dream it for myself.. i dun share with u all.. haha..
then arn 9.30pm they go off le..
so my parents come n fetch me home..
n they also hav eat a little bit of KFC..
then 10pm home sweet home again..
-------------18 dec--------------IT SAM WANG SHAO WEI BIRTHDAY...
of cos ytd i hav sae happy bd to him..
then my mum sae we go orchard n chinatown..
ok.. then we arn 2pm go out le..
then go chinatown 1st..
i hav bought 2 shorts for chinese new year...
cos i dun hav quite many short to go out to wear so i always wan to buy 1 for myself..
so buy 2 le..
then walk walk.. walk arn to 4.45pm ba..
then we go orchard..
walk arn taka ba.. then the rest forget liao..
we only walk walk arn orchard didnt buy anything cos there it very EX..
then arn 8.15pm we reach home..
---------------19 dec--------------i feel sick..
i hav cough, flu n a little bit of fever..
then gt watch death note 1...
quite nice..
then like tat loh.. nth else jus stay at home..
then jus now watch finish death note 2...
then... i think dun hav liao...
wow.. so long sia..
ok.. loh.. like tat..
Friday, December 14, 2007,7:32 PM
finally preorder my 5566 album..
n i get their poster liao..
so shuai..
however i come bak raining, but it cant pour down my happiness inside..
so tml goin to meet a msn fren col joy.. nice name..
she also wan to... haha.. i tot i hav sae the previous post.. lol..
so forgetfully me..
n i rmb 1 of my fren ask me who i like better feilunhai or 5566?
the 1st ans without thinkin was 5566..
haha.. no1 can compare with my 5566..
n all 5566 thing i will buy de.. while flh will not de..cos i think it waste my money..
sry if i hurt flh fans..
but in my heart was always 5566..
MY 5566...
ok.. then i go n play my things le..
maybe watch utube or playin maple ba..
so bye now..
,10:44 AM
last nite i dream about him (K) again..
we were both walkin home together..
he was teased by me.. n i also teased him too..
we were both laughin together..
aiya.. i dun noe how to sae lah.. but we were both happy..
we jus chat n chat.. n when he go home he start to like me already..
but he jus push me to the guy tat like me.. so i sae to the guy we was not possible..
n i jus walk away.. so the next day we also go home together n i angry with him y he push me to him.. so i make fun of him something like tat..
the next part all of u think wat will happen next loh..
i dun feel like saein all to here, his mermony can only stay inside my head only...
n next i wake up already.. it was time to go sch...
today start at 10.15.. like so boring.. dun feel like coming to sch...
but i later nid to mit suping at sembawang mrt..
we r goin to buy 5566 preorder album...
so excited.. so i will be in sun plaza there so feel free to mit me..
n too.. im goin to mit a msn fren: joy.. i wan to help her sign the poster she got from preorder...
so on mon i will be goin up 3 times.. hope they will led me sign all the same time..
y is it 3 times? cos i also helpin felicia.. so the msn fren: joy n myself..
3(three) times.. jap is also call san.. quite same as chi de..
ok.. tat all for now.. maybe at night i will come bak again..
now going to bell ring.. n it left only 1 hour left..
it was the last day of sch..
i can play with all my might.. i also will go n rent vcd n watch it..
so fun..
ok.. bb..
thanks sherie..
Thursday, December 13, 2007,8:24 PM
thanks u so much..
n it really help me n my phone..
now i can go n put some photos now..
at yio chu kang.. the 2nd one was red bean paste, 3rd is the amount we hav eat BUT it was treat by 姑丈.. haha.. $388 leh..
ok.. next group of pic..

my 姑姑 n her fren go up on stage to sing with ah nan.. the guy tat always act bad guy in shows or movie de..
he r friendly n so funny althought i dun noe wat he talkin about.. he talk in another language.. also dun noe wat language.. but it not japanese.. lol..
but all the customer r laughing away when he sae sth funny.. n he also wish happy bd to customer when it their bd at tat day..
n when i saw him walk past i find it tat he lool so firece loh..
i always think he look firece in tv.. lol..
tis 4 pic is taken at amk bottle tree park.. nice hor?
from top to bottom: lotus pond, the surroundings, bottle tree, the night view..
ok.. tired le.. so next ime them upload more pics..
n my friendster account hav also upload more photos..
so free free to go n see..
k.. ciao for now..
previous post was 56th
Wednesday, December 12, 2007,7:11 PM
56.. 56.. 56 leh.. u noe..
i jus saw it n omg..
56 leh..
5566.. haha..
im really crazy liao..
n i really wan to c them..
ok.. i noe im nuts..
i really love them..
ai yi's te ru.. it jap as in i love u..
i love renfu n shao wei..
i noe i not realistic..
but i really like them.. before i hav a bf i will continued likin them de..
but if i really hav a bf i will also like them de..
it will not be change by anyone..
n it not like like them as in a idol.. i really love them n wish to be together with them..
as i noe it impossible so i always dream them they r my bf or some best fren in their company..
or as in liyang, shao wei, jr, toro, darren like me in my dreams..
pls dun laugh at me.. i sae it true de..
i really love them with all my might..
if i old i will continue to like them n dun ever forget them..
i noe in my youngs i love them..
haha.. i even dun noe if i really grow old..
even i will go n die b4 i noe when..
ok.. dun sae about them again..
then i go n play now..
i think i go n read their comics.. it in chi..
u wan to read go n read loh..
it the fans do a comic about them.. it quite fun to read..
oh ya.. u nid to sign in then can read..
but it free de lah..
ok.. bye.. ohya.. if u forget i goin to indo for a holiday..
mon night i will come bak.. only for 2 days 1 night..
sun noon we will be goin to eat a weddin lunch then we jus go to "碼頭"..
then we jus go already.. then i ask my mum to fetch me to amk mrt to mit ping n her frens..
them we jus go n take mrt to bukit panjang..
hope tat i will not be late.. pls god.. let us be early come bak..
i beg u.. really.. pls..
ok.. sure bye for now..
Meii, Happy Birthday!!
Monday, December 10, 2007,7:31 PM
hehe.. happy 16th birthday..
i hav buy your present.. so now it in my hs here..
u can come n take it.. hehe.. so when u free col me u noe my no.
n dun be sad ok..
im always there for u..
will support u watever u do.. k..
N btw im really happy tat i can go to 5566 autograph..
really cant wait already..
later at there i dun care i will shout for them..
so dun col me mad person if u see it.. haha..
i really hav long time didnt c them already..
i really miss them..
n if u wan to c me wat i look like as a mad person free to come..
haha... haha..
it at bukit panjang level 2 garden plaza..
so mus come hor..
really cant wait..
latest news they maybe will be 抱抱會..
or it autograph ba.. not sure now..
i really wish it hav both i really wan to hug them.. dun hav hug them b4 leh..
haha.. so excited..
there the info..
Pre-Sales starts on 7 December 2007 ( Friday )
04/01 5566 4th album " 喝 采 " on sale!
Pre-order 5566 new album now ! And get a free giant poster (Exclusively
availiable in Singapore Only) and a pre-sale card !
You can also get your giant poster autographed by 5566 at the Pre- Sale
Autograph Session!
Please bring along the receipt and the Pre Sale Card to collect your latest
5566 album " 喝 采 " from 04/01 onwards at the record store which you place
your order.17th Dec'07 ( Monday )
5566 " 喝 采 " 預 購 簽 唱 会 (Pre-Sale Autograph Session)
Time : 7.00pm
Venue : Bukit Panjang Plaza, Garden Plazan hav interview..
12/17 Monday
1) Singapore Yes 933
2) 1003 too..
but they haven sae wat time..
so u can stay tune to all day of radio..
so any more latest news i will write it down..
will be chat wif u nxt time..
so cia..
Friday, December 7, 2007,11:53 AM
i really cant wait..
but i really dun noe if i can watch them...
do they hav repeat???
i wan to ccccccccccccccccccccccc them...
really miss themmmmmmmmmm...
if u do not noe who im talkin about...
亞洲第一 5566..
arhhhhhh... arhhhhhhhhhhhh...
they r cminggg..
1. in for details..
i really wan to c them..
我真的很想你們..i now wan to cry...
i really wan to c them..
but tat day we go to indo..
if not can i dun go?????
i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them... i really wan to c them...
im not copy n paste de...
i really hope to c them...
i really miss you
u r in my heart all the time...
i really wan to c u...
n not only u i wan to c u all..
always c u all in tv but not face to face de...
i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really wan to c u all... i really hope to c u all... i really miss u all... i really miss u all... i really miss u all... i really miss u all...
arhhhhhhhhhhhh... arhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
i wan to c u...
i really hope to c u all... ok.. dun repeat again...
i really wan to c them.. who can help me??
how i wish i hav power to hav 2 part of me.. 1 is stay at home watchin them in tv.. the 2nd part go indo wif parents... ok.. gt my both favourite cousin n my aunt... will dun be bored.. ok..
haizz.. i really dun noe wat to do...
i really wishes it hav repect the star awards... i really wan to hav a repeat... i really wan to hav a repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i really wishes it hav repeat... i wan repeat...
haizz.... ok.. im very "fan"
ok.. my feeling will keep inside my heart...
n i jus heard their new song...
IT NICE...ok.. bye for now..
Tuesday, December 4, 2007,4:33 PM
ok.. i was sick for too long le..
was sick for more than 1 week ba..
really dun wan to sick for too long..
ok.. let jump the subject n write about how i hav done for tis few days..
ok.. nth.. sth go out wif family loh..
actually go to imm n the pasa malam but dun noe when already..
when i go to read their blog n i noe tat they also hav go too..
haizz.. means we really hav no fate to meet each other again..
but the cute guy tat today hav meet him outside interchange..
i saw him standin there..
y does i dun hav the chance to meet my fren outside??
always in yishun, katib ot amk??
y cantt be in woodlands or sembawang also can...
if i really meet them outside like in orchard or somewhere far...
we mus hav fate to meet each other..
i really believe tis type..
i rmb tat i meet andy in cwp only..
tat we hav not meet each other for 1 year le..
then meet him at there..
im really surprised tat time..
like few years bak already..
i still rmb.. haiz..
ok.. change another topic..
later we go amk hub to eat our dinner le..
so if we hav fate lets us meet each other ba..
i guess it not impossible already...
so gd luck loh..
ok.. go n change my clothes le..
Sunday, December 2, 2007,12:51 PM
my cough r not yet heal..
it become worsen.
really.. or i dun wan to be recover..
i jus ate many hot things.. like chocolate n biscuit..
haiz.. nvm..
jus be it..
but im gettin exicted tat my 56 n 183 r comin to me again..
i can c them again..
really miss them..
but i dun noe if i hav the chance to c them..
cos on 16,17 dec we goin to overseas..
y like tat..
dun noe nxt week they r goin to show or wat..
so 煩.. i reall dun noe..
ok.. dun care..
i go n watch love queen..
here the website..
u can go n watch it ba..
n also go n find.. haha..
u go in.. u will noe wat i mean.. then bb..
today is 2nd of dec..
ok.. b..