Friday, March 28, 2008,9:22 PM
the DAE result was unsuccessful..
so i bak wif hana..
ok.. i hav her with accompany..
ohya.. also june..
she also in bishan but was early childhood..
so same sch loh..
ok.. hav frens..
ok.. jus talk to now..
i now quite sad..
DAE result
Wednesday, March 26, 2008,8:04 PM
tml is the DAE result..
i appeal for rp.. tat was told from emily..
so tml is the result..
if accepted then mayb will go to rp loh..
but now i jus let nature take its course..
i really dun noe if i can go..
haizz.. so "煩"..
ok.. 我去麻痹自己,去看日本戲。。
ok.. 后天再見。。
The 100th post
Monday, March 24, 2008,8:39 PM
the 100th post..
ok.. i noe tat was not any special about it..
it was only the 100th post..
ok.. tat about it loh.. nth much..
tis hoilday was jus watchin most jdrama..
n mostly sleep n eat.. hehe..
u noe wat, now im eatin potato chip.. (it was salty)
i will be fat when sch reopen.. haizz..
althought im only 44kg but my tummy was really big loh..
i nid to lose weight lah..
my ideal weight was 42kg..
but i know it impossible..
always at night eatin.. haiz..
ok.. i go watch drama..
99th post
Saturday, March 22, 2008,6:54 PM
99 is a good number.. hehe..
as i hav watch finish nobuta wo produce n er nu ah chu..
takara im watchin detective conan..
althought we all hav watch b4 at young, but tis was act by Oguri Shun..
i also like him.. i found him look cute every time i see him..
ok.. i giv u the address.. it was a special drama so it was quite short..
http://www.mysoju.com/detective-conan/i also watchin a korea drama act by lee joon ki.. the same guy in "my girl"..
http://www.mysoju.com/time-between-dog-and-wolf/tis is the address..
so i go n watch now..
cancel X X X X X X
Friday, March 21, 2008,8:16 PM
the trip to escape was cancel..
cos not mant ppl goin..
so we all cancel..
takara.. tml i stay at home loh..
danmo i really wish to go to there with frens..
okasan told me i hav play b4 danmo i wan is playin together with my frens..
maybe nxt time then go with frens ba..
ok.. its 98th post..
reachin to the 100th post..
hehe.. baka me..
wan to reach 100th..
ima learnin jap..
takara if not so good.. gomemasai..
ok.. c u tml..
sayonara.. early ohyasumi too..
last 3rd post to 100th
Thursday, March 20, 2008,8:44 PM
ok.. jus to come in to have a post..
ok.. jare le..
haha.. ok..
just like tat..
Wednesday, March 19, 2008,8:19 PM
sry until now then update..
was busy.. haha.. ya.. busy watch drama..
wanna to finish watchin er nu ah chu n nobuta wo produce..
both left last ep.. hehe..
then maybe nid to think wat to watch nxt le..
ok.. think tml ba..
tml mornin goin to take cert with frens..
so mit mas at amk mrt then go to woodlands int to mit lya n xin ying..
altogether hav 4 ppl include me takin the cert..
ok.. mit them at 10am so nid to wake up early..
n do i sae tat ytd i go to bishan ite to pay money for my accountin..
i hav join accountin so maybe will same class with emily n hana..
n same sch with june loh..
ok.. see if we really cannot go to poly..
we all hav appeal for poly..
so still nid to wait for the result..
if really can, so we nid to refund the money back loh..
i really hope i can go to poly..
even i told my mum i dun hav any hope but i really wish to go..
ok.. nxt.. on sat me n my frens maybe go to escape..
hav an outin tat mayb in future we will see each other very less le..
so tat can be a very good memory for all of us..
hehe.. cant wait already..
n mayb tml nid to update also..
i wan my post to become the 100th on 24 march..
oh ya.. before i forget on 23 march was kone: darren bd..
ok.. wish him a early happy birthday..
ok.. tat all for today..
95th post..
Friday, March 14, 2008,8:03 PM
left 5 more post then will be in 100 th post..
then maybe on 24 march will be the 100th post loh..
as i will upload my blog every 2 days, maybe every even days..
so can see my blog on odd days loh..haha..
ok.. ytd hav say im in holiday liao..
really wan to go out..
ok.. i will find time n go out..
like so borin at home if i didnt do anything.. of course..
but i will watch jdrama if i can..
arhh.. i finish watching my only love..
this is i buy wan, but lie to my my mum tat i borrow from my fren..
i really dun wan to heard her naggin.. so..
n it jus a small lie.. haha..
n u hav see, i hav change my music..
all r NEWs songs..
although they only show 8..
but if u listen to the bottom i hav quite many.. like 30+..
u can press next track..
they will go down.. u can find the song u wan..
ok.. i think i hav tell about the music i hav..
then sayonara..
late for 1 day..
Thursday, March 13, 2008,9:05 PM
now im in holiday le..
so i free all 3 weeks to 14 apr..
so free to find, call, sms me..
so come n talk to me..
hehe.. haha..
ok.. jus like tat loh.. tml i will type more about it..
now dun feel like typing..
n my exam are finish liao..
jus to tell hana, june n emily are also comin to bishan ite too..
quite happy..
can see them..
really miss them..
ok.. sayonara..
Monday, March 10, 2008,12:19 PM
look like there was nth to do..
haha.. i look like i scoldin someone..
haha.. ok.. jus finish watchin nancy drew the movie..
tat i rent from laser flair..
ok.. n now i downloadin the nobuta wo produce..
it was a jdrama act by kamenashi kazuya n yamapi..
haha.. yamapi full name i dun noe but i jus call him yamapi..
it his nickname.. i fell in love with them both..
haha.. ok..
now i also downloadin er nu ah chu..
it was a long time tat i continue to watch it..
now only ep.19.. dun noe wich ep when they will be end..
ok.. ciao..
...Nth to say liao...
Saturday, March 8, 2008,7:32 PM
we r in holiday liao..
my bro too.. but they only hav 1 week while we hav 4 weeks ba..
tat the gd about us.. haahaa..
but then tue n thur hav exam..
...... i hav nth to say liao..
i jus wan to see shows n drama..
i wan to catch up of all the drama..
arhh.. ytd i jus lend transformer n ratatouille..
they r the movie.. i jus feel tat why mus we go to watch..
why dun we jus watch at home.. n it more cheaper..
go to watch 1 time $7, while i jus rent for $6 for 2 movie..
haha.. it was so cheap.. it jus tat we mus wait loh..
ok.. i wan to watch my drama liao..
So HAPPY today..
Thursday, March 6, 2008,1:20 PM
today my mood was quite happy..
cos 1st our bpf today jus finish..
our beg also finish liao..
nxt only left 2 subject..
n wat more tml was kind of last day..
quite happy..
i really love holiday cos i can watch many tv n play com..
all i need is to plan time at wat should i do in the holiday so tat i will not waste time..
n the more happy was i buy jap cd..
tat was the first jap cd i buy..
it was teppei koike's pieces..
haha.. so happy..
nxt jap cd i wan to buy was NEWs cd..
then another cd i wan to buy was 5566 gai ban cd tat was only out in sg..
inside hav their mv...
but all their mv i hav watch b4 le..
1. he cai beijing
2. man you zhong guo
3. yue er guan gaun
4. qing niao
all i hav watch b4 leh, dun noe if i wan to buy anot..
im still thinkin..
but NEWs cd i will surely but as i didnt heard their song yet..
ok.. let me think..
so ciao..
ok.. see you two days later..
woah.. 90th post..
Tuesday, March 4, 2008,9:41 PM
for the nxt 10 th post it will be to 100th post..
now for the aim this blog..
but today i jus write simple and short..
tml hav beg ca..
6 march, bpf ca..
then tis fri will be last lesson..
then on 11 march, beo go to sch for exam then can go home aft tat..
last exam 13 march, poa exam then is holiday..
yipee.. so happy..
then we will hav 4 weeks of holiday..
apr 16 go to sch again..
ok.. like tat loh..
hopin to go into 100th post
Sunday, March 2, 2008,12:58 PM
now it only 80+ so i hope i can go to 100th.
.ahh n ytd is huai en bd.. forget to wish him happy birthday..
actually i now miss 5566..
i really hope to see them..
n i also wan to go japan..
haizz.. ok..
look like i very less to come n blog on sunday..
sometimes only on weekdays..
cos sun very less thing to talk about it..
today i only watch tv only..
arh.. ytd also go to eat dinner, it comin to my grandpa bd..
so we go n eat.. actually i dun noe wat date de..
my parents ask us to at dinner so we go loh..
ok.. i took some pic too..