Wednesday, December 31, 2008,8:35 PM
finally hav my own hp..
my papa hav bought it for me..
it SAMSUNG SGH-i600..
it really surprise.. びっくりた
cos of the keypad..
maybe i nid to try it sometimes b4 i type fast..
n i jus read the tutorial..
look like i can go into msn..
Can I go in? I'm using prepaid card..
now it was charging..
ok.. today jus telling tat i finally hav my own hp..
quite sad cos all the pic n number in my old sony phone was gone now..
Has anybody hav sony charger?
i wan to noe if my phone spoit or jus my charger?
jaa.. jaa ne..
left 5 days of holi..
Tuesday, December 30, 2008,10:42 PM
hanayome to papa.. (花嫁とパパ)
the inside life was like mine..
parents control their child..
hav time limit..
sometimes even follow their child..
until they married they even follow..
wish not to my parents..
but in the end she marry to taguchi kun..(he act de, they cant possible to marry to each other in real life..)
あ, i also want to marry to him..
miss him now.. 田口くんは見たいin夢よ 。
i really hate tat i must go home on time..
the time limit was 5PM..
but in the end i go home on time..
cos i lazy to eat outside..
reach home to eat dinner at 5.30pm..
haiz.. i really hate it..
i really wan to go home late..
,9:17 AM

these are some pic.. although taken from last year..
continued my gentin..
on thur 18 dec..
wake up at 8am.. go out at 9.15am..
go to the cinema.. reach there arn 9.45am..
buy movie ticket.. we watch "Chiwawa" at 10am de...
another is the day "The day the earth stood still" at 11pm.. watch midnight show..
watch chiwawa until 12pm so we go eat lunch..
i watch chiwawa hav cry a little bit leh..
dun noe which part let me cry.. haiz..
like tat also cry..
eat lunch walk a little bit..
go shoppin too..
we buy a lot of food to bring home..
i didnt buy much.. jus some chocolate..
tat day didnt do much..
arn 2pm we hav many free time so i thinkin of watchin another movie..
but of cos all movie ticket hav sold finish..
so we jus walk arn...
tat day quite boring..
then arn 2.30 pm we go back to hotel to rest..
then bath.. come out again arn 8pm..
walk arn more.. then eat a little bit..
look like we eat a lot tat day.. haha..
U hav eat dinner at 10.30pm?
tat day is.. we even eat rice..
but i dun eat a lot.. look like i not fat.. i still 44kg..
then watch "the day the earth day stood still"..
quite ok lah.. i tot is scarly de..
anyway i dun watch scarly show..
the scarly movie i watch is only "The happening"..
a little part of "The happening" i even close my eye.. n even scream..
ok.. to the last day..
fri 19 dec..
we wake up at 7am..
pack all our things..
prepare to go home..
it was arn 8am..
wait for a long time at the travel tour there..
then take bus at 10.30am..
we 4pm then can eat lunch..
ok.. then.. reach home at arn 7pm..
home sweet home..
ok.. i dun need to write about my gentin..
haha.. i noe is boring..
gomen ne..
jaa.. mata ne..
Monday, December 29, 2008,10:15 PM
today go out with suping..
spend $31.80..
buy 2 jap magazine & 5 photos..
then 3 pen, biscuit, pink dolphine. ($8.10)
then aft tat northpoint..
walk arn a little bit..
n i want to go there already..
cos hav japanese food court..
i wan to eat..
although jus now didnt eat cos hav eaten..
if not i wan to eat..
i wan to eat hayashi raisu..
watch ruysei no kizuna n u will noe..
i really dun noe the criminal was the detective..
watch finish ryusei no kizuna n o mai geru..
n watch finish 2 dvd i buy..
hanayome to papa n honey & clover..
yappari i love to watch hanayome to papa tat type of show..
cos it make me cry n laugh..
but mostly it make me cry all the time..
i watch finish in jus 3 days..
while honey & clover watch for over 1 months..
cos it about kizuna.. it didnt make me cry..
ima wa juu ten ni juu hachi..
dun noe if it was correct..
it was the time.. 10.28..
k jaa..
i promise tml mornin will put some pic..
bai bai..
gomen ne minna
Sunday, December 28, 2008,9:32 PM
i yakusoki tat i will tell about the thing in gentin..
but i noe it was very boring de..
if u dun wan to read it ok..
i not good in talkin..
u can skip it to the line..
jaa.. sutato..
on wed 17 dec..
wake up arn 8am..
go out of hotel arn 9.30am..
then go outside.. take some pic with my papa camera..
it really cold outside..
but it feel nice..
n the same i wear shirt n shorts only..
of cos an sweater too..
we goin to play the games..
at first it have rain a little bit n sky was hazy..
we think tat maybr the nxt day then play..
but when we walk inside (first world hotel) we maybe can play bowlin or watch movie..
but arn 11am the sky was bright again..
so we go n play outside games..
of cos we play the 1st one..
the "swing" then the "8 wheels"..
then when we paly finish this games, it was arn 12.30pm..
so we go n eat lunch..
as it was also malaysia holi too, so the line was long..
we must wait for arn 30 or more minutes..
we go n eat mos burger..
i eat tom yam noodles..
my parents n bro eat nasi "lamar"..
as we r full we sit the "catepillar" and then the ferries wheel..
then nxt we play the "the 4 ppl sit de"..
i think it call coster or something.. not sure..
yappari tat games was the 1 of the best in gentin..
although it was not scared.. haha..
it was funny cos my mum always scream..
n her scream can be heard from downstair..
my papa say it heard her scream..
my papa didnt sit..
but he say he wan sit the go kart but he didnt cos he say the line was too long too..
then nxt we go play the "mini thunder train"..
whike we waitin, we saw [PAN LING LING]
although when i saw her i dun really rmb her at all..
my mum say she was in the media..
she was with her 2 sons n her father..
we sit at the same train..
although we was at the back while she was in front..
of cos the train was also the best..
i love when the train turn into a corner..
it felt that i wan to drop.. haha..
it was really fun.. n tat why we sat 2 times..
when we come out they are at our back..
but when i look again they hav disappear..
then it start to rain a little bit..
so we go inside to play..
the 4D movie was close.. so sad.. i always like to watch..
the chair tat can move.. it really sugoi..
then nxt we play the coster inside.. the line was long too..
when we come out w was hungry..
so we go n eat dinner i tihnk it was arn 5 to 6 pm..
cant rmb..
nxt we nid to rest so we go n sit the "deer"..
n walk arn the mall..
but i noe it was arn 7pm when we go sit the train again..
cos the line was short..
n beside it was the splash..
it was close due to it was rainin a little bit..
we also go n sit the "swing" n the "8 wheels"..
we r goin to sit the "coster" again but they say they nid maintainance..
it was arn 9pm when we r tired..
i say we goin to watch movie cos most of the games hav played..
but hte movie tickets has sell finish already..
so we go n watch on the nxt day..
i think it was arn like tat..
then of cos we drink coffee..
arn like tat so we go back to hotel..
i noe it was boring..
skip all above.. if u dun wan to read..
the thur 18 dec, i will say it again in another day..
that was the day i watch 2 movie..
n i hav forget.. on tur 16 dec..
we hav go n sing kbox..
u noe wat i sing??
i sing some japanese song..
but most of the song was old sing by my papa and mama..
this song was i sing it all to the sing..
n it was the most familar to me..
it was the song tat i like it the most..
although i sing a little bit in front only..
i also sing tohoshinki 'O'..
it was kor version so i dun noe how to sing..
i tot was japanese version.. so sad..
n sing SJ 'U'.. it was chi version..
of cos dun really noe how to sing..
although it was nice.. the melody..
n i see all the japanese song..
it was all old de..
y does not hav new song..
like arashi song also can mah..
so lousy de..
sg kbox r more good..
they even hav K ONLY HUMAN..
n even hav arashi song..
ok.. it was too long le..
now it was 10.16pm..
stop for now..
i 11pm hav show to watch..
12pm too.. it was kimura kun's show..
n i finally know y he was so famous in japan..
when i saw their show, kimura kun was very kakkoi..
i also start to like him too but not so much as ARASHI , KAT TUN, NEWS or HEY SAY JUMP..
even KINKI KIDS is better than SMAP..
as SMAP r 36 years old average..
they even hav kids too..
haha.. stop now..
nxt time i will put pic..
maybe tml if i hav time..
maybe not..
cos tml will go out with fren..
i noe i will buy sth again..
jus now i hav bought another bag in northpoint..
n today my mum jus wash 5 clothes i bought last time..
it was only the half..
another half hav not wash yet..
n today also wan to buy but she say i hav many le so didnt buy anything..
it was the new year clothes but i noe i didnt wear so much ..
haha.. i always like to buy thing when i go out with my mum..
she help me pay for all the clothes..
k.. jaa.. mata..
Wei Zhong & Wei Ren
Friday, December 26, 2008,10:12 PM
LIM Wei Zhong & Wei Ren
Kenny & Roger.. (nickname)
both my bro name..
also forget tat today is their tanjobi.. haha.. im a bad aneki..
shitsuwa, kino i dun really feel christmas..
to me, it was just a normal day..
cos i think tat christmas was like yuki fallin n were be very romantic..
but in sg i didnt feel romantic..
in gentin cos it was cold, i think is 2nd day..
on wed 17 dec..
when we go outside, when we breath, i hav cold air blowin out of my mouth..
suki desu yo.. n if it on christmas day, i really feel it really was christmas..
i really dun like sg.. samui suki desu..
honto ni sweatin kirai..
when we are cold, we go into a hot bath it really kimochi ii..
haha.. lazy to put japanese words..
i write their romaji..
n y does UNITED STATES come into my blog???
i really dun wan..
i wan my japan to become no.1..
ok.. i yakusoku (promise) tat tml will say aabout my gentin life..
maybe put some pic although it was last year de..
ima wa denwa baka da yo.. cant wait for my atarashi denwa..
ashita i wan to say wat i watch.. the eiga..
ok.. jaa ne.. mata ashita..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008,10:26 PM
相葉雅紀 お誕生日おめでとう
happy birthday to 相葉くん..
1 of the host was him.. of cos not the old one..
this show was funny..
u should try to watch.. n it also kawaii too..
it about animals.. 1st 10 min was him..昨日 天皇誕生日
今日 クリスマスイヴ
明日 クリスマス
Sunday, December 21, 2008,9:41 PM
yesterday forget to blog..
busy watchin all the show i hav miss..
n thanks to tat i miss my shounen club..
arhh.. i wan to watch, it was on dec 14..
arhh.. i wan to watch..
あぁ, i nid to say about my life in gentin..
i can only say i really love the tenki there..
it was so hot in sg..
熱い= シンガポール
ok.. we go on tue, wake up at 6am..
out of the house on 6.45am..
reach beach road arn 7.30am..
goin to bus arn 8am..
on the bus of cos, i sleep..
when i wake up, i play psp of cos..
my bro dun wan to play cos they was dizzy if they play..
i dun mind de.. of cos we hav eat at arn 1pm, but i only eat a little bit..
then.. then.. let me think..
then of cos we go all the way to genting..
reach there at 3.25pm..
haha.. when we come out it was cold..
n u noe wat i only wear shorts..
haha.. of cos i heard 'somebody' say i wear short in a cold day..
n i wan to ask him, y cant i wear shorts..
if u r cold then u can wear many clothes.. LOH..
n of cos i wan not cold when i wear shorts..
i not scared of any cold..
wat more i hav a little flu..
but i really hate hot tenki..
but on 3rd day i feel a little cold as it was raining..
but when i think that i was in japan, i dun feel any cold le..
cos the tempeture was only 19..
in japan it even go to 10 or even minus in hokkaido or in sapporo..
back.. when i reach there, we hav nth to do..
we goin to watch movie on tat day but it was fully booked..
so we walk arn, shoppin a little bit, buyin things..
nth much on tat day..
ok.. then on wed..
わ.. look so long..
wat i do in wed will say again tml..
maybe now u all bored le..
I'm home..
Friday, December 19, 2008,7:57 PM
coming back..
よ!! みなさん元気ですか?
is everybody all right?
i'm fine..
tml i will write about my life in genting..
as detail as i can.. haha..
jus saw the flat counter..
jus wan to say CHINA fuck off..
中国, 嫌い。
ok.. dont spoit my good feeling..
im goin to watch all my show le..
my ruisei no kizuna , Scrap Teacher~Kyoushi Saisei~ , Oh! My Girl , Bloody Monday , Koisora & Yoiko no Mikata..
k.. またね。
Monday, December 15, 2008,8:15 PM
counting down..
Tml: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
4 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
明日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャーキンは行きます
4日: (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
but dun noe if i wan to watch ijime or "tat" show..
arhh.. i will miss it for 4 days..
i really hate myself..
sometimes it was just not me..
n i cant even say the thing tat look like me..
it was jus not me in sch..
u see me in sch actually was another me of myself..
i cant even say words tat i wan..
ok.. best luck to me..
wish hav accident..
haha.. jus kidding.. wish not..
i dun wan to die in malaysia..
k.. さよなら..
2nd last post..かな
Sunday, December 14, 2008,9:33 PM
counting down..
2 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
5 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
2日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャーキンは行きます
5日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
goin to genting..
all things hav prepared..
esp my mp3..
didnt leave her alone at home..
n i hav her for 5 years already..
at sec 2 my mom bought it for my birthday..
but my discman r spoit, not bringin her.. haha..
tat time not many ppl hav ba.. not sure already..
now they hav so advance..
i still rmb tat time i already hav interest in japanese..
arn end of the year b4 sec 3..
but not so engrossed ba..
cos tat time preparin my olvl..
n i noe some japanese word..
もちろん is お早うございます..
who i like 1st in japanese guy will tell u next time..
(scold some ppl if u wan to know go n learn it)
日本人: ごめんなさい,日本語を悪いた
日本人答え: ???????? (そうね)
the last post b4 my holi in genting..
Saturday, December 13, 2008,7:26 PM
counting down..
3 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
6 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
3日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャーキンは行きます
6日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
my acc get the highest in class.. 47/50
so surprised..
i tot is xue ting will get it again..
as i only study for 1 day..
tat is on 8 dec for the whole day..
watch tv for 1 hr 30 min only..
didnt even touch my com for tat day..
but in the end i will not noe the result as we still need the final test result..
n the pervious test i do badly..
but really thanks to Ms Ho..
still rmb tat last time my acc teacher Mr Joshua a.k.a Mr bean tat i call him..
he really didnt teach.. tat most of our classmate drop it instead of art..
and only less than 8 out of 22 ppl in our class take acc..
the rest of them drop it..
now Ms Ho teach r better than my last time teacher..
n it far more better than Mr bean..
Thursday, December 11, 2008,8:28 PM
counting down..
Tml: (Fri 12 dec): last day of sch & he goin to NS..
5 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
8 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
明日: (金曜日 十二月十二日) :最終日の学校 & 彼はNS行きます
5日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャーキンは行きます
8日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
cant wait to it..
im in holiday mood le..
today prepare to aleep late..
n if tml cant wake up in time, im not goin to sch already..
i think i still can catch up next year..
but i think i will be goin to sch tml, i not missing my j-hit chart..
i will still recordin it in sch..
n finally i hav a japanese game in my psp..
it called 'My dogs'..
all it in japanese..
haha.. n i noe how to read it..
today prepare to play it..
im not lettin my bro gain control of it..
they hav play very long in their holi le..
now finally it my turn..
but anyway i still love music..
saw masuda.. ok.. i will put 1 of his pic here..

so look alike? n this is also my wallpaper now..
ok.. maybe see u next year to all my classmate..
i still not sure if i wan to go sch tml..
maybe i will decide to go tml..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008,9:40 PM
here r the list im watchin now..
14才の母 (14 Sai no Haha)
3年B組金八先生 (3 nen B gumi Kinpachi sensei)
アンティーク~西洋骨董洋菓子店 (Antique) 33分探偵 (33pun Tantei)
太陽の季節 (Taiyou no Kisetsu)
ボンビーメン (Binbo danshi) 一瞬の風になれ (Isshun no Kaze ni Nare)
流星の絆 (Ryusei no Kizuna)
よい子の味方 (Yoiko no Mikata)
ホカベン (Hokaben)
スクラップ・ティーチャー ~ 教師再生~ (Scrap Teacher~Kyoushi Saisei~)
オーマイ・ガール (Oh! My Girl)
おせん (Osen)
ブラッディ・マンデイ (Bloody Monday)
恋空 (Koisora)
ルーキーズ (Rookies)
although hav not finish watchin it..
counting down..
Tml: (Thur 11 dec): xue qi & xue ting bd..
2 days: (Fri 12 dec): last day of sch & he goin to NS..
6 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
9 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
明日: (木曜日 十二月十一日) :ショウ・キ & ショウ・ジュン お誕生日
2日: (金曜日 十二月十二日) :最終日の学校 & 彼はNS行きます
6日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャーキンは行きます
9日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
Tuesday, December 9, 2008,9:56 PM
counting down..
Tml: (wed 10 dec): emily bd..
2 days: (Thur 11 dec): xue qi & xue ting bd..
3 days: (Fri 12 dec): last day of sch & he goin to NS..カウントダウン..
7 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
10 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
明日: (水曜日 十二月十日) : エマリ お誕生日
2日: (木曜日 十二月十一日) :ショウキ & ショウジュン お誕生日
3日: (金曜日 十二月十二日) :最終日の学校 & 彼はNS行きます
7日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャ-キンは行きます
10日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
finally i can play my com for all i want..
finally left 3 days of sch..
n wat more fri sch end at 10am..
haha.. i dun feel like goin to sch on tat day..
im in holiday mode le..
n i hav prepare all my clothes for my genting..
cant wait to play..
n very funny, only me tat dont really brin jacket..
i only bring a sweater..
cos i dun feel cold..
prepare myself for goin to japan..
now their temperature is only 10 degree..
n of cos gentin r more hotter..
もっと, 日本人!!
1 day 2 blog
Sunday, December 7, 2008,7:48 PM
change song to KATTUN White X'mas..
it really nice n sad..
anyway i also love their rock song..
i listen to this song really hav the "feeling".. (フィーリング)
anyway i also hav listen to rock song but only in japanese.. haha..
やった on jan 24 i can change my hp..
my hp r ブロークン le..
then nxt week cut my hair..
before chinese new year reborn my hair..
all the money from my mum.. haha..
durin holiday goin to change the blogskin かな..
n forget to add durin the last post..
continue つづく..
9日: (火曜日 十二月十六日) : ジャ-キンは行きます
12日 : (金曜日 十二月十九日) : 家は帰り
9 days: (tuesday 16 dec) : going to genting
12 days: (friday 19 dec) : coming back home
ok.. tat for now..
haven read my accountin..
maybe tml ba.. haha..
im too lazy now..
quite early now.. 今は早い
,1:47 PM
counting down..
2 days (tue 9 dec): accounting ca2..
3 days (wed 10 dec): emily bd..
4 days: (Thur 11 dec): xue qi & xue ting bd..
5 days: (Fri 12 dec): last day of sch & he goin to NS..
2日: (火曜日 十二月九日) : アカウンティング CA2
3日: (水曜日 十二月十日) : エマリ お誕生日
4日: (木曜日 十二月十一日) :ショウキ & ショウジュン お誕生日
5日: (金曜日 十二月十二日) :最終日の学校 & 彼はNS行きます
i want more japanese people visit my blog..
i hav 2 japanese people visit my blog..
Friday, December 5, 2008,9:22 PM
神戸 Kobe
saw Kobe earthquake in scv..
althought it was a long time le..
but it hav kill many million people..
i was like omg..
but i wan to go 神戸 leh..
i wan to see now how they hav repair the place..
maybe i wan to experiment a earthquake in japan..
i hav experiment in here sg..
althought it was a just little shake..
but i think it fun leh..
mayb i will jus die in japan n become a japanese ghost..
ok.. i noe im crazy..
but how i wish my next life will be a japanese..
n that is 1 of my dream that cant come true..
arhh.. i wan to go japan..
arhh.. i wan to see their concert..
arhh.. i wan to talk in japanese..
arhh.. i wan to see them..
Thursday, December 4, 2008,2:47 PM
yappari.. i hav 1 日本人見るブログ..
n thanks to xue qi to help me put the flag counter..
haha.. so happy.. うれしい..
jus wake up from a short nap..
n finally can sleep soundly tonight..
i hav miss 2 night of sleep le..
so tired..
n vent my anger 1st..
curse u go n die in a car crash..
u think u r the oldest meh..
u jus a old aunty.. おばさん..
ok.. today presentation was 恥ずい..
durin presentation, my heart was トキトキだろ..
whenever i say japanese words or even hava chance to see 日本人, i will be nervous..
omg.. tat time i hav say ありがとうございますた i really make me nervous..
anyway i was nervous b4 when i start the presentation..
anyway wish something gd to happen..
today it was a really bad day..
Wednesday, December 3, 2008,9:47 PM
Taken from Johnny's net..
Kinki Kids concert: 11/30-2009/1/1
コンサート「キンキキッズ 緊急全国ツアー KinKi you コンサート。」
東京・大阪 第2弾
京セラドーム大阪 12/29(月) - 2009/1/1(木) Endless SHOCK主演:堂本光一
2009/2/5(木) - 3/30(月)
V6:11/28-12/21 舞台「フライパンと拳銃」【長野博】11/28-12/15(東京グローブ座)12/19-12/21(大阪サンケイホール ブリーゼ)V6 music:V6 LIVE TOUR 2008 VIBES[DVD] 2009.01.07 ReleaseV6 movie:2009年 初夏 「おと・な・り」: 岡田准一(主演)2009年1月23日 発売 DVD&Blu-ray Disc「大決戦!超ウルトラ8兄弟」: 長野博(主演)V6 concert:フライパンと拳銃主演:長野博 出演:風間俊介[東京]東京グローブ座 11/28(金) - 12/15(月)[大阪]サンケイホールブリーゼ 12/19(金) - 12/21(日)Arashi movie:2009年3月7日(土) 全国ロードショー
「ヤッターマン」: 櫻井翔2008年12月12日 発売
DVD「隠し砦の三悪人 THE LAST PRINCESS」: 松本潤2008年12月19日 発売
DVD「花より男子ファイナル」: 松本潤Arashi concert:グリーンフィンガーズ主演:相葉雅紀
[東京]青山劇場 2009/2/23(月) - 3/10(火)[大阪]梅田芸術劇場 メインホール 3/20(金・祝) - 3/23(月)Tackey & tsubasa music: < SINGLE > 愛・革命【滝沢秀明】
2009.01.07 ReleaseTackey & tsubasa concert:今井 翼 大阪松竹座 2008 冬 [大阪]大阪松竹座 12/19(金) - 12/25(木)新春滝沢革命主演:滝沢秀明 出演:錦織一清[東京]帝国劇場 2009/1/1(木・祝) - 1/27(火)NEWS movie:2009年公開予定
ナクシタキオク(仮): 手越祐也NEWS concert: NEWS WINTER PARTY DIAMOND大分・ビーコンプラザ コンベンションホール 12/6(土) & 12/7(日)広島グリーンアリーナ 12/13(土) & 12/14(日)グランメッセ熊本 12/17(水) & 12/18(木)名古屋・日本ガイシスポーツプラザ ガイシホール 12/21(日) - 12/23(火・祝)マリンメッセ福岡 12/27(土) - 12/28(日)東京ドーム 12/30(火) - 2009/1/1(木・祝)京セラドーム大阪 2009/1/1(木・祝) - 2009/1/12(月・祝)コール主演:小山慶一郎 [東京]東京グローブ座 2009/1/30(金) - 2/22(日)[大阪]大阪サンケイホール ブリーゼ 2/26(木) - 3/1(日)KAT-TUN movie:2010年全国東宝系にてロードショー
「BANDAGE バンデイジ」: 赤西仁(主演)Hey! Say! JUMP concert: コンサート 08~0912/20(土) - 2009/1/5(月)[大阪]大阪城ホール[愛知]日本ガイシスポーツプラザ ガイシホール[神奈川]横浜アリーナ
Tuesday, December 2, 2008,9:56 PM
arhh.. im nervous..
tml is the presentation..
my heart are beatin very fast now..
dun noe if tml will ok..
n tml is also KAT TUN [white X'mas] single..
maybe tml go n dl..
n btw today in mornin when i go to sch, i saw masuda again..
i really dun wan to see her leh..
everytime i see her it will let me think of masuda..
massu's smile
massu's laughter
massu's humor
zenbu of massu's
massu kun ima wa doko ni?
massu kun suki desu yo..
anyway gd luck for tml presentation..
ARASHI da yo..