薮 宏太, お誕生日おめでとう。
Friday, January 30, 2009,10:41 PM
Tml is YABU KOTA birthday.. お誕生日おめでとう。

See their body so perfect.. yabu kun was the 1st preson from left.. i like boys to be thin.. japanese idols are the most thin i ever seen..

cho kawaii.. n he only 18 yrs old.. chinen also cute too.. i wan being hug by him too..

aaa.. chuu.. kiss me too..

i miss him too much tat i tot i saw a look alike yabu in sch.. haha..

yamada also kawaii..

cho ハンサム..

anyway happy birthday to him.. 薮くん, お誕生日おめでとう。
tml goin to eat buffet with them..
there even hav a swimming pool n karoke..
hope tml will be fine..
is it i watch too much of AIBA MASAKI??
i kind of like him very much le..
always thinkin of him..
he really cute now..
miss him now..
also found him say many ne..
i also like to say it too..
icho.. takeshi keiko no repoto desu..
dewa mata ne..
This year chinese new year was fun..
Thursday, January 29, 2009,10:05 PM

These 3 photos were eaten on 24January.. although i eat 1 unagi and the shoganiku.. the ramen was eaten by him.. tat day goin out with my aunt n him.. he was comin out from NS.. nid to go back on wed.. was surprised of the short hair, he handsome the same.. haha.. wat english..
This year chinese new year was fun.. cos last year still rmb we first day reach home at 3pm.. 3pm ok.. so borin at home..
now this year we stay at my grandma hs until 9pm..
it was so fun at 7pm to 9pm.. this 2 hrs was the most fun in my chinese new year..
although we reach there at 11am.. we eat then arn 1pm we go to the fish farm..
n it was there tat i photo this cute dogs..
INU chan.. kawaii de sho..
although the last 2 pic was photo at another place..
n when we go to the farm so funny..
cos i didnt tie my hair my hair was flyin everywhere in my ungle's lorry..
this year didnt hav the chance to sit at my papa car..
last year cos im wearin skirt.. but this year really happy tat i wear shorts and we ten brothers all sitted behind the lorry..
ok.. explain the ten brothers, cos my grandma(mama side) hav ten granchildren..
so we call ourself ten brothers.. n im the fifth.. haha..
n im the youngest of all the girls.. 3 gals & 7 boys.. haha..
when bin ho ask me things i dun really heard it n kai lin say i busy with my hair..
haha.. so funny.. they also say sth aboout my boyfriend.. so surprised..
n when we reach the farm, tat time really happy.. he holdin my hand..
whenever im with him im really feel comfortable.. he really my type of boyfriend..
so happy for jus 1 sec..
n my mum even say if find a boyfriend found at least jus like him.. but not my another cousin..
cos they both really surprised me.. now they both dye hair n even hav a earpiece at his MOUTH.. n he even was the youngest at our ten brothers.. he only at sec 2..
it really surprised me..
n dun noe when my mama say that him was his god son.. (cos when he young my mum dun hav us so take him as his god son..)
im really surprised.. haha..
im really hate myself so weak..
why cant i be stronger??
why must i play in my mum hand??
i really hate her more n more..
why am i live in this world to suffer??
why cant i jus die??
why must she give birth to me and say those things??
i really hate you..
today im really purposely to go home late..
why cant i hav freedom??
but im too weak to die..
sometimes really wan to jump down but in the end im too weak..
i really wan to be stronger..
why cant a car jus crash into me??
this way it faster...........
Thursday, January 22, 2009,10:03 PM
yappari, i only in the mornin b4 goin to sch below my block can make me happy..
cos every mornin there was always 4 to 5 cats arn my block..
cos a good aunty always gave food to the cats..
dun noe if it was her..
every time walk there make me happy..
n the another time was when i see my japanese things..
it a drama or varity show.. etc..
those really make happy..
tat time go out with XT & XQ to far east saw 3 groups of japanese jin..
although 2 groups heard their talkin.. haha.. i understand wat they talkin about..
another group was a group of girls.. although it was XT say tat they were japanese..
i didnt realise it.. haha..
heard their sayin tat time, my heart was really dokidoki..
n jus now we go K.. ok.. i sing YAMAPI- DAITE SENORITA again...
n sing the K-only human.. nagashii na..
let me wan to watch one little of tears..
please let me cry again..
then also sing ARASHI song- A.RA.SHI & SUNRISE NIPPON..
ok.. it 10.23pm..
jaa ne..
Sunday, January 18, 2009,9:55 PM

My dinner on fri.. yesterday was katsu don.. this was salmon setto.. nice.. yesterday the katsu don was cheap but the miso supuu was warui.. it sold at chong pang.. this at amk..

this the story about KUSANO.. i really dun noe it a good or bad thing.. but KATTUN is KATTUN.. KATTUN = KAME, JIN, TAGUCHI, KOKI, UEDA & NAKAMARU.. it will not change..

although i also like him.. he like 20 or somethin.. kana..

this was him.. KUSANO HIRONORI..

n i reborn my hair.. i take this photo when they doin my hair.. i like the clip when they clip it like tat.. haha..

this was aft tat.. the back view taken by my brother.. straight right??
n this was my nail.. haha.. i hav remove le.. quite nice.. haha.. chinese new year i wan to go to manicure.. if cannot, i go n buy new nail polish..
n look at johnny net saw that arashi was goin to hav new single at march..
while KATTUN single hav not out yet but look like many ppl hav their song le..
me too.. i also hav dl le.. although hav not heard yet..
my hp was charging now..
tml at pe i wan to heard..
haaha.. ppl runnin i heard it.. kana..
not runnning tml.. my leg still pain..
really cannot run lah..
even walkin still a little bit pain..
but outside mochiron was not show to others tat im limpin..
sayin about arashi..
i still hate her..
if not for her, i xxxxx xxx 4 xxxxxxx xxx xx xxxxxx..
thanks xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx..
thanks xxx xxxxxxx xx go xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx..
ok.. i wan to slp le.. yesterday wake up from nightmare..
thanks from her..
so tired now..
jaa ne.. ohh ya change song to ai kakumei.. love the part when he talkin.. my takki chan..
itai yo..
Monday, January 12, 2009,10:34 PM
today fall down again..
it really painful..
jus wish this year dun fall down again..
anyway i even climb up the stairs also can fall down..
haha.. dun noe y i always fall down..
n jus heard a little news tat kusano will join KAT-TUN..
dun noe if it was true??
im ok with it..
cos he also quite kawaii..
finally he come back from america..
look forward to..
tml will go to their wedsite see if it was true..
k.. jaa ne..
Saturday, January 10, 2009,10:18 PM
Today start to love a new guy.. today blog jus for him.. SETO KOJI..

名前 : 瀬戸康史 (せと こうじ)
生年月日 : 1988年5月18日出
身地 : 福岡県出身
at first i c him in this website:
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16587304Zxt2mWnN?rank=24i found him so familar..
y he was so kawaii?? n look like i saw him b4 somewhere..
then i go n find his info..
sou desu ne.. it's him..

he was in koizora (drama).. the hiro..
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v16622372PJGPgaAs?rank=23this was his group song..
his group: D-Boys & Tetra-Fang
he was the 2nd person tat i like in D-Boys..
mochiron the 1st was Shirota Yuu 城田 優..
he also act in 仮面ライダーキバ (Kamen Rider Kiva)
although i didn watch but i wan to watch already..
he also act in Happy Boys tat i also wan to watch already..
haha.. love him jus today..
kawaii de shou kare..
ok tat for seto koji..
their new dorama r goin to show..
RESCUE~特別高度救助隊 (RESCUE~Tokubetsu Koudo Kyuujotai)
First aired: Sat, 2009-01-24 at TBS
inside also hav Yamamoto Yuusuke..
yatta.. mite yo..
ok.. tat for today..
oishii.. ahaha..
LUV Japanese song
Friday, January 9, 2009,9:59 PM
really love japanese song now..
any japanese song i listen was so nice..
like MR.CHILDREN , EXILE , kobukoro , w-ings.. and many more..
japanese song r better than chi song..
sometimes i heard chi song i was like wat is tat song??
so funny de.. gomen ne..
these few days will be busy..
i hav many show nid to watch..
i even watch last time de..
but i still wan to watch my shounen club.. look like no1 uploaded it..
i really wan to watch..
i miss all the Jr. like yamashita shoon, Kis-my-ft2, ABC-Z..
i wan to see them..
n look like HEY SAY JUMP will realese a new single even though the website didnt say anythin yet.. ureshi da..
and they really grow up infront of me..
they also look really my brother to me..
even though 2 of them r bigger than me..
then the rest 8 of them younger than me..
i also the first time to like group of boy younger than me..
really like them.. i want to see them grow up infront of me..
anyway i'm busy these day..
n nxt week mayb reborn hair.. although jus cut my hair but i dun like it already..
i really like new things.. even food, i dun eat the same thing again n again..
i found some ppl always eat the same thing although it eat only a few week ago..
if within a month i eat the same thing, i really feel boring.. n uninterested..
even chi food i feel borin already, i outside dun really eat chi food..
if no choice i only eat a little bit..
i prefer to eat japanes food..
cos japanese always will try new thing.. their IT r always out new things quite fast..
tat y i like it.. not like sg, they was no new thing available..
ok.. i talk much..
jaa, bai bai..
now 10.26pm go n watch my j chart..
even song every 1 week it hav many new song to listen..
at least hav more than 10 song a week..
daisuki nippon..
Wednesday, January 7, 2009,7:53 PM
change song..
it was tackey song.. another song 愛・革命 (ai kakumei) cant find it..
i wan to dl his song.. He really was a prince to me.. haha..
another song was WITH LOVE..
i want it too.. this song home party was short.. but hav yamapi voice inside.. haha.. but hina cant really heard his voice leh.. don noe which is his voice.. yoko still can heard.. of cos takki too.. his voice will not forget de..
n last time i said he was AKANiSHI JIN but i look again this time i think he was YAMAPI leh.. haha.. i believe that good fren really look alike to each other.. i don noe which is which already.. but i think he was YAMAPI ba if im not wrong..
this also was photo of YAMAPI.. they look alike right?? Is both the same ppl??
jus now the video i watch.. make me so emotion..
really love AIBA MASAKI already.. i start to like him in shimura zoo..
he so cute in it with animals.. kawaii desu yo..
wan to play keyboard again..
i hav 2 years didnt touch keyboard le..
since in sec4 play a little piano in sch, but since then didnt touch my keyboard..
my keyboard really collect dust..
but jus now aft sch play a little bit in denki, now i wan to play it again..
n i hav 3 japanese lyrics.. haha..
i hav lips, taiyo no namida & one love lyrics..
yei.. i wan to play le..
but of cos not now..
today it already late..
i wan to play it tml.. i also hav some chi song lyrics..
i also hav a little bit of ponyo lyrics although it was only the ponyo ponyo lyrics.. 6 notes of it..
get it form arashi no shukudai kun SP show.. haha..
but another instrument carinet hav already forget wat the notes le..
tat time dun really rmb it.. so quit it.. i join for only 1 yr..
but dun noe why i wan to play flute.. haha..
my keyboard dun really noe how to play still wan to play flute.. haha.. greedy again..
jikan wa 10.30pm..
jaa mata ne..
again more pic.. last of it..
Tuesday, January 6, 2009,9:20 PM
some pic inside a magazine i buy..

KOYAMA & SHIKE.. love them both..

OKURA TADAYOSHI jus start to notice him in kanjani8.. when watchin their show was always watch him 1st..

UCHI he startin to come back aready.. now left KUSANO..

MASUDA TAKAHISA.. kawaii sou..

TEGOSHI YUYA love him more.. my love for him start to grow everyday..

HEY! SAY! JUMP! cho kawaii.. always wan them to be my younger bro.. Can i exchange 2 for my bro?? If can, i want YAMADA RYOSUKE & CHINEN YUURI.. If cannot, YABU KOTA also can..

the right was YAMADA RYOSUKE.. left was NAKAJIMA YUTO..


upper left : YABU KOTA
lower left : INOO KEI
upper right : YAOTOME HIKARU
lower right : TAKAKI YUYA
left another 2 was the least fravourite..ARIOKA DAIKI & OKAMOTO KEITO.. both their name also not so sure.. gomen ne..

again my KAT-TUN.. haha.. n this is my end of my photo.. will not put any up le.. lazy..
till now, hav not talk to my mum anything at all..
still sad.. n this also not the 1 tat make me sad..
there also hav another thing also make me sad..
haizz.. hav a little flu but i dun think it flu ba..
cos yesterday i hav cry at night in my bed then mayb im cold mayb hav a little flu..
but now it ok..
cos everytime i watch their show always make me happy..
this was jus now watch it.. LOVE TO DEATH..
i miss my takki now.. although it a long time of the show..
yabari.. love takki too.. everytime i c him also make me fall in love..
arhh.. i haven watch takki show i buy.. weekend i wan to watch le..
1st watch takki then taguchi.. gomen ne taguchi kun..
jaa mata ne.. nid to do my hw.. hav not done yet.. omg now is only 10.15pm..
jaa bai bai..
Monday, January 5, 2009,8:16 PM
Do i really needed??
Ever since sunday my mum say those thing about me infront of my grandma, feel really sad..
Until today didnt talk much to my mum..
or is it jus today hav MONDAY BLUE..
haizz.. whenever think about it, feel like crying..
im jus watchin arashi or kattun video to make me feel happy..
im feel jus like a dead person..
dun hav any feelin to anything..
im jus wan my japanese..
n to others food i hav no interest to it anymore..
im jus wan to eat only japanese food..
haha.. y does my flagcounter is so fun..
so many 1..
then 1st of cos sg, then is JAPAN!!
JAPAN hav aleady 13!!
while 3rd US was only 8!!
haha.. happy for JAPAN!!
yatta.. ureshi yo..
公演アーティスト一覧 当月
6 火 & 8 木 新春滝沢革命(帝国劇場 13:00 / 18:00)
7 水 & 9 金 新春滝沢革命(帝国劇場 18:00)
9 金 FiVe LIVE TOUR 2008-2009(大阪・SUNHALL 17:00★ / 19:30)
10 土 新春滝沢革命(帝国劇場 13:00 / 18:00)
If or・・・(東京グローブ座 18:00)
Eversince on jan 2 i watch their countdown, really feel tat it finally 2009..
http://www.veoh.com/videos/v17084660gpTk3XF3?rank=3b4 tat watch a little bit of chi or eng countdown, really feel very boring..
didnt even feel it 2009..
but i watch theirs, feeel so happy.. きゃ
cos theirs are more nice than others.. たよ
N they are very ugly..
esp はなかわるい are so ugly in another version..
more pictures..
Saturday, January 3, 2009,8:39 PM
Today my dinner is this.. カツカーレ(katsu curry)

buy this 2 dvd yesterday.. kimi ga kureta & Happy! (bought it jus for my tackey & taguchi..)
See this News- Colour album today at cwp.. i actually wan to buy it but i hav their song le, i jus wan to see their photos inside.. i really wan to buy it.. Anyway if my present is this, i would be very happy.. anyway it only $18.90.. haha.. who wan to buy it for me?? jus kidding..

buy this photos on mon at coolzone.. haha.. it TEGOSHI kun.. also KAT-TUN & NEWS.. total $16.. so happy..

also buy this magazine.. it all about KAT-TUN.. also hav a free CD.. haha.. althought all hav watch it b4.. inside also hav their concert part.. also hav watch it b4.. im a fan of KAT-TUN.. haha..
also this J-Star maganize.. all inside it all about japanese.. although hav not read it yet.. i flip flip only.. AKANISHI JIN.. although i at first tot is YAMAPI.. haha.. quite same face.. futari.. the cd r also very good.. hav their mv n their live..
this is the another side of the magazine.. it KAMENASHI KAZUYA.. daisuki..
this is the poster inside.. ARASHI.. daisuki mo..
this are 1 of the page inside.. KAT-TUN.. tml i will put some pic of the magazine..
this is also 1 of the page.. NAKAMARU YUUICHI.. daisuki mo.. another is ARAGAKI YUI.. the "mika" is koizora movie..
left only 1 day of holi tml..
but i dun noe how to make use of my nxt day..
maybe i will continue to watch my doramu..
ま, またね