Saturday, February 28, 2009,10:18 PM
is anybody ask me y i always hav flu??
is becos im cryin everyday, everynight..
i really love cryin show..
so i will cry esp at night when i watch it..
i really love watchin cryin show at night..
so in the end every mornin i hav some kind of flu..
now im cryin too..
jus watchin giragira..
fri also jus watch finisg tokio..
it really nice.. i love the last part..
when u noe he say 'tokio wait for me at there'
then sho kun act as tokio go to his papa past 25 years ago..
this the webside.. come arimasen..
Thursday, February 26, 2009,10:05 PM
yesterday dun noe y alondra say y i so depressed, haha..
actually im not.. i jus only daydreaming..
n in the end, i go home become hyper again..
i jus hav 2 side of me..
aa.. also my bro go oversea, their sch hav some adventure camp oversea de..
he say it some CIP, like bulid sch to those children at there..
i think he nichiyobi aftnoon come back..
listen to songs now, maybe aft exam will dl new songs..
now really busy..
aft exam im free..
ya huu..
afr mar 9, 10,11 im free..
mar 11 2pm can find me..
n it holiday..
cant wait..
but now must revise..
so jaa ne..
Monday, February 23, 2009,7:48 PM
kame kun otanjoubi omedetou..
today was kame kun birthday..
so i hav put 23 photos of him as he was 23 yrs old..

......... haha... he was the 2nd person from left..

1st photo of him alone..

this was their latest one drop single.. the rescue single hav not come out yet.. he was the 3rd from right..

2nd of him alsone.. love his smiling face..

love this outfit on him.. 3rd photo of him alone..

in japanese magazine..

his front view and back view..

love this pic too..

7th photo alone..

really love his smile.. he would smile more..

i sometimes also tie this type of hair at home.. he really cute..

10th photo of him alone..

this was the 13th photo total now.. (above)

fireworks.. i wan to play too.. actually i quite less play it.. i really wan to play..

kame in japanese means turtle.. so he is holdin one..

16th photo.. (above)
the middle one.. right was taguchi junnosuke.. 23rd photo..
ok.. anyway happy birthday to him...
jaa. ne..
ランキング ranking
Saturday, February 21, 2009,7:36 PM
私のランキング (2月21日)
today wan to do this rankin..
look like i didnt say before yet..
ok, here goes..
Arashi 嵐1.相葉雅紀 Aiba Masaki
1.櫻井翔 Sakurai Sho
3.松本潤 Matsumoto Jun
4.二宮和也 Ninomiya Kakunari
5.大野智 Ohno Satoshi
this few days i always heard aiba chan laugh in my mind..
really love his laughter n bakaing..haha..
also love sho chan.. i wan to kiss him..
now infront of me is sho chan.. of cos was an magazine..
ahh, wan to kiss him..
mayb here were change after some time..
last time was matsujun the first..
now is aiba chan n sho chan first..
KinKi Kids1.堂本 光一 Domoto Koichi
2.堂本 剛 Domoto Tsuyoshi
of cos koichi kun love him the most than tsuyoshi san..
this was obvious and it was never change again..
Tackey & Tsubasa タッキー&翼1.滝沢秀明 Takizawa Hideaki
2.今井翼 Imai Tsubasa
this also obvious too.. also never change..
NEWS 1.手越 祐也 Tegoshi Yuya
1.増田 貴久 Masuda Takahisa
3.小山 慶一郎 Koyama Keiichiro
3.加藤 成亮 Kato Shigeaki
5.山下 智久 Yamashita Tomohisa
6.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryō
of cos first one was teogshi kun & massu..
kochan & shike ok ok now..
quite like them now..
last time yamapi was quite infront of kochan but now he drop..
cos he was too cool le..
関ジャニ∞ Kanjani∞1.大倉 忠義 Okura Tadayoshi
2.安田章大 Yasuda Shota
3.横山裕 Yokoyama You
4.渋谷 すばる Shibutani Subaru
4.丸山 隆平 Maruyama Ryuhei
6.村上信五 Murakami Shingo
7.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryo
always notice tacchan first.. then maye next was yasuda..
yokoyama kun was funny too..
of cos nishikido san always the last..
u see the NEWS too.. he also the last one.. gomen ne ryo kun..
1.上田竜也 Ueda Tatsuya
2.中丸雄一 Nakamaru Yuichi
2.田口淳之介 Taguchi Junnosuke
4.亀梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya
4.赤西仁 Akanishi Jin
6.田中聖 Tanaka Koki
start to notice ueda kun.. nakamaru so up cos hav watch his show..
dun noe y i see him act inside here, make me wan to laugh at him..
inside was too serious but i still laugh at him, cos really uncomfortable he actin too serious..
kame & Akanishi go down already..
maybe will be change at next time..
but last one was tanaka kun, he was not my type..
Hey! Say! JUMPthis i will make into two group then together later..
Hey! Say! BEST1.薮宏太 Yabu Kota
1.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya
3.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei
4.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki
4.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru
yabu kun と takaki kun like them the best..
hikaru kun was also not my type..
Hey! Say! 71.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri
1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
3.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro
4.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito
5.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
i love chinen kun & yama chan.. tat all i wan to say..
now it together..
Hey! Say! JUMP1.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri
1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
3.薮宏太 Yabu Kota
3.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya
5.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro
6.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei
7.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki
7.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito
9.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
10.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru
tat the rankin for them..
look so long..
haha.. tat all..
mata ashita ne..
Friday, February 20, 2009,10:20 PM
haha.. jus see fruit basket chpt 88..
it really funny in this chapter..
make me laugh..
ah.. also watch kattun concert part 2..
ahh, make me wan to see them..
dun wan y i even at home i also kya at them..
really dun noe y somebody didnt kya when they go to concert..
also maybe we kya when we love them..
if not love them y go to their concert..
also when given free concert tickets, will not kya also..
anyway, i noe everyone dun noe wat im sayin about..
i really wan to go to KT or ARASHI or NEWS concert..
if i really go, i can rest in peace..
haha.. i wan to see them even it afar..
ok.. im goin to watch jchart..
mata ne..
Thursday, February 19, 2009,10:23 PM
i hav no voice already!!
haha.. watch the kattun concert..
queen of pirates tokyo dome 2008..
watch n sing n laugh until no voice..
kattun dai suki..
suki desu yo..
tml will watch part 2.. kana..
i watch only part 1, already no voice le..
jaa, mata ne..
bai bai
Sunday, February 15, 2009,7:24 PM
they should be proud tat they die in the hands of japanese..
if i really can, i wan to die in the hands of japanese..
n last night i think about it, i wan to hav toy stuffed animal for my birthday persent..
i noe it only 2 months away, but i really wan it..
if u r truly my fren, when u saw this pls buy toy animal for me!!!
the only biggest toy was being broken by my baka bro..
he look like a 10 to 15 yrs old boy.. the biggest bear i ever hav..
it was bought from my cousin, n it follow me many years, n when i move home they broke it..
aitsu baka yo..
ima the biggest was the panda.. but it was not fur fur de, so he was being left on the floor n even rest my leg..
the toy i wan must be fur fur n big big..
i really wan it..
n pls don pull me xxxx, n wat funny was it??
i feel tat it was not funny at all.. the xxxx-xxxx was serious de, u even eat xxxxx..
n i wan to take 4 xxxxxxx for my xx, if i didnt take, u better watch out..
i hav say b4 i xxxx u..
ok.. i'm goin to put new music into my hp..
oya, i also change music in my blog..
pls listen to it..
all those was new song from them..
the kattun rescue was not even release out yet..
nice the song.. the drama also nice..
mi tai yo..
jaa, mata ne..
Friday, February 13, 2009,9:23 PM
today the role play was fine jus tat my fren say my voice too soft..
haha.. it even soft in a microphone..
haha.. im fated to hav soft voice..
cos im a japanese girl..
haha.. jkjk..
n when i say i live in japan for 3 years, yew nian believe it..
haha.. so happy.. someone think tat i live in japan..
haha.. when i reach my age to go out to the world alone, the 1st choice was japan..
i wan to tour all over japan.. even the smallest town..
then maybe nxt was taiwan or hawaii..
n today in mornin dun now why im happy..
maybe cos of matsujun new drama..
mi tai..
back to roleplay, dun noe why i not nervous in front of classmate..
i still rmb in sec i really nervous..
maybe now my true self are showin bit by bit..
actually my true self was like nino..
he also was a gemini.. his character was really me inside deep in my heart..
jus tat i didnt show it to others..
ok.. although i write for arn 7min only, i will end now..
goin to watch the fruit basket manga..
it really nice..
P.S i wan to play PSP..
Tuesday, February 10, 2009,9:50 PM
tml was the release of KATTUN one drop..
watch the makin of one drop dvd already..
this few day im readin manga..
fruit basket..
tat time also watch mei-chan no shitsuji..
the manga n the drama..
tat time also watch his drama n the manga.. zettai kareshi..
if u noe him, u will noe wat i sayin..
ok.. dun talk too much..
wan to watch my manga..
fruite basket really nice..
like yuki kun..
saa jaa ne..
Thursday, February 5, 2009,7:24 PM
today when goin home, i saw Mr Deric Low..
at bishan mrt..
at first i heard someone sayin like "u must do well, get good result..." sth like tat..
then i look back..
it was really him.. my sec 3 &4 english teacher..
he really good jus tat he really naggy.. haha..
talk behind his back..
alone the way to home, jus thinkin tat is he really him..
then look back to my year book..
look so much like.. haha..
mayb he hav transferred to JC..
cos the group maybe JC orientation sth like tat ba..
look back to the year book rmb all those face again..
i hav 2 yrs didnt rmb about them..
anyway when u look at 2006 naval base year book, u will not find me inside.. haha..
anyway.. cant believe i saw Mr Low again..
n when i see the news about korean hana yori dango, i really laugh..
cos they hav meet accident.. haha..
serve them right.. haha..
anyway korean ppl will not see my blog..
n my frn say tat the korean hana yori dango was bein hate by arashi fans..
n tat include me too..
haha.. sorry if i bein hate by the korean ppl..
but please hate me loh.. haha..
serves them right..
haha.. ok.. my bro turn..
i nid to read accountin now..
jaa ne..
Tuesday, February 3, 2009,7:21 PM
Today again act another person..
EVERYDAY, EVERYTIME.. i jus act another different person..
the true me hav not waken infront of others..
actually i jus acting infront of my fren..
it was not true me..
i will not come in at night cos my bro will play..
both they were comin back quite late..
so i only can aftnoon can play com..
ok.. they goin to play now..
jaa ne..