last post for july
Friday, July 31, 2009,11:13 PM
jus to say tat today make a silly mistake..
my big brother number become miss tan number..
n he hav lie to me for 3 days..
i always thought tat it was miss tan number..
today wan to find miss tan, then call, who noes taufiq pick up..
he even say it was miss tan husband number, really surprised me..
i really laugh until stomach pain..
ok.. honto ni baka mitai..
ok.. after pe also hav fun..
i cut q infront of amirul, also wan to cut taufiq q, but then he push me back..
haha.. so fun at tat time..
also find another person wan to learn japanese..
it kenneth, kind of surprised he also wan to learn..
ok.. it late too..
eat medicine already..
wish i recover tmr..
mata ne..
Costing CA
Thursday, July 30, 2009,10:22 PM
today is costing CA..
ok lah.. but i cannot get full marks.. "cry"
oh ya, i say i wan to thanks all those ppl tat hav help me..
but it look like it maybe a long post, so nxt time ba..
now it so late..
i wan to sleep hav a headache in sch, but now ok already..
eat japanese food at dinner make me better..
haha.. siao already...
ok.. dewa mata ashita..
Monday, July 27, 2009,10:02 PM
today so happy..
i hav a "big brother", taufiq big brother..
in future i will call him big brother..
as i also dun hav any, so call him tat now..
then walk with him to mrt there..
of cos hav jerry, fathima, luo shan n yew nian..
i dun care now, im wan to being my own self..
i really dun wan to fake anymore..
the nxt post, i will specially thank to those who help me..
they really help me to change..
i am who i am now..
jaa, nxt post, i will thanks to those ppl..
mata ne..
Is it really me??
Sunday, July 26, 2009,7:41 PM
i really dun noe if it was really me??
Really dun noe if this was the real me anot??
my fren say need to wait for another month, if im gettin tired means it was not me..
i really love talkin with frens..
cos it was the only place i can talk..
i even told my fren tat i dun really talk to my papa..
of cos talk a little bit to my mum, but the rest of the time, we doin our own things..
even my bro, talkin to them is like talkin to a wall.. haiz..
on fri night, after saw 1 of my fren blog, kind of sad..
then at bed, cry for 5 seconds..
i noe some1 will hate me, cos no1 is perfect..
so i dun really hate ppl cos i really noe the feelings of being hate..
im really scare everyone will hate me..
but also kind of happy, cos maybe he like me??
then y does he look at me??
everytime i sneeze 2 times, kind of rmb him..
maybe he thinkin of me too??
haha.. i really siao liao..
i really cant stop thinkin of him..
anyway cant wait for tml..
although costing CA2 are comin, kind of stress too..
but after that i noe im free..
cant wait to play.. haha..
now waitin for my fren msg to send me the answer for costing..
also doin my ent project too..
jaa, mata ne..
Listening to TEGOMASU
Sunday, July 19, 2009,10:47 PM
it really nice their songs..
although haven really dl all their songs in their album..
really hav no time now..
maybe nxt week then dl ba..
only dl their songs in their singles..
ok.. finally it tml..
goin to sch tml.. :)
jaa, mata ne..
Tanoshimi, kyou no
Friday, July 17, 2009,10:19 PM
today in sch also hav fun..
really dun noe y im really nervous when he sit infront of me..
haiz.. look like im really in love..
but i noe we cant be possible be together..
until now, we haven move forward..
feel like our world are so different..
i cant think if we r really together like couple..
today also scare jacky..
altogether i hav scare taufiq, kenneth and amirul..
haha.. i really siao already..
now i compare myself now to secondary, it was really different..
if that time i scare them, maybe today we will still contact..
but i really dun noe if now i really wan to see them again..
haiz.. if tat time i was like now.. maybe it was not the same anymore..
now i really feel it was the real me..
but i still hate to be at home..
i cant wait to see all my frens..
haiz.. another 2 days more..
ok.. tml need to catch up all my drama..
i also need to dl tegomasu song too..
really hav no time in the past week to dl..
jaa, mata ne..
Hokkaido food fair
Sunday, July 12, 2009,9:34 PM
jus comin back from tampines mall..
cos my papa bring me there..
at first really nervous..
then when i reach there, there was so many people although it was already last day..
didnt buy too many things, spent $50 only.. :P
then 1 thing i really happy was that i got the chance to talk to 1 of the japanese guy..
it was only 1 cos he was standing infront of the stall..
all the rest was behind it, if not i will talk to them..
i always wan to improve my conversation..
my listenin are better than conversation.. haiz..
cos no1 talk to me in japanese..
nvm.. waitin for the japan trip..
jaa, mata ne..
goin to do my ent project..
Old photos of kato shikeaki~
Saturday, July 11, 2009,9:55 PM

is the blue shirt guy..

dun noe if this photo is old or new??
the right end is him..
ok.. i quite like him..
he is really funny..
today at home really feel strange..
i cant wait to go to sch..
i wan to make new friends..
of cos i make some more new frens too..
some is becos of fren introduce to fren, while others is tat i scare them..
so in the end, make fren with them..
tat day really scare many ppl in sch..
maybe becos im in a good mood..
tat im goin to japan..
haha.. im really crazy~
another things is tat im really overcome myself..
im havin more confident than b4..
thanks to many of my frens..
im really not the old junna anymore..
not the quite n shy junna anymore..
haha.. ok..
im tired already..
jaa, mata me..
cant wait to go sch~~
Friday, July 10, 2009,10:14 PM
honto ureshii~~~
really cant wait for it..
n teacher givin priority to our class..
n confirm is 7 ppl are goin..
although it was on nov/dec, but im start preparing for it..
revise my japanese..
n accountin teacher also wan to learn japan..
haha.. now i busy writtin out for her..
really cant wait for it..
an 10% of my dream are fulfilled..
then another 5% will be fulfilled when my family are also sayin they wan to go to taiwan..
then the rest will be goin to tour all over japan.. haha..
really if teacher r confirm goin to japan, it will be my 1st time goin with my teachers & frens..
n also i go alone overseas w/o my family..
not like others, they go japan for so many times..
it was really a 1st time for me..
i really wan to go..
n many of my frens r going..
teacher say is home stay, of cos need to do report afterwards, but i dont mind..
my wish was to go japan..
n he is goin too with kenneth, the malays also not confirm yet but wish they r going..i wan to hav fun!~~
n tml is KATO SHIKEAKI tanjoubi..
happy birthday to him..
lately, im really happy goin to sch..
when i get home, the feelin will surely go down..
i really dun wan to stay at home..
n i nid to wait another 2 days of weekends..
jaa, mata ne..
増田貴久 & 赤西 仁 お誕生日おめでとう!
Saturday, July 4, 2009,10:18 PM

today is Masuda Takahisa & Akanishi Jin birthday!!
my beloved massu & jin~~
although i prefer massu than jin..
まっすの笑顔は す~て~き~
カ~ワ~イ~イ~ も!
really love his smile!!
arhh.. also wish some belated birthday..
Inoo Kei 伊野尾 慧 birthday on June 22..
Fujigaya Taisuke 藤ヶ谷太輔 birthday on June 25..
Ishigaki Daisuke 石垣大祐 birthday on June 28!!
finally tml is the last day of holiday..
actually i dun really do anything..
my ent project not really touch it..
n costin too..
im only do was accounting..
haiz.. anyway, ganbatte ikimashou!!
jaa, mata ne~