Friday, October 30, 2009,9:47 PM
although at auditin lesson, not so fun..
teacher didnt come to sch so whole hr was slackin..
then go to canteen to slack..
バカ nabil.. stupid nabil..
he trick me but then i really believe them..
but then i also nid to take straw so go back again..
hahaha.. like nabil too..
ok we even now..
tat time i take away his correction tape..
then in accountin was busy n happy..
also notice sth.. hmmm..
is it jealous??
dun worry lah..
anyway im not tat type of girl to steal it away..
but sometimes if i steal means it dun like u anymore..
anyway i hate bein the third party..
so if u hav the chance to c this, dun worry..
ok.. weekend comin..
goin to redo all my acc qn..
i still dun understand it at all..
then (@^^)/~~~
go n c manga now..
Wednesday, October 28, 2009,8:24 PM
today really thanks to all my frens..
i was really sad today..
then on sw time, keep thinkin abt grandpa..
then surprised tat i also can run so fast.. haha..
then durin lunch, taufiq kor kor treat me drinks..
really thanks kor kor..
he was the another kor kor tat i feel safe by his side..
another wan is wei beng (wei ming) kor kor..
these few days bein talk from my mama..
then ytd he was with grandpa..
n wat more he was my mum god son..
tat time mama also say tat if i find a bf also find like his type..
hahaha.. then can i go out with him???
he really was my type of guy..
tat time we go malaysia he sit beside me, i feel really safe n nervous too..
mayb in a nxt few days can see him already..
ok.. back to taufiq kor kor..
really thanks kor kor..
make me a bit happy..
then b4 lesson i feel like i wan to be alone..
so start to walk abt alone..
really feel so bad today in sch..
then really thanks to those fren make me happy..
jia hui n siew fen too..
they call me nihon n nihon jin.. haha..
now my nick is nihon or nihon jin.. so happy..
aft i come back from japan trip, i will really become a real nihon jin..
まあ。wish tmr will be better..
Tuesday, October 27, 2009,7:15 PM
really tired..
there hav many things happen to me..
now is my granpa thing too.. at least not so serious..
ytd really scare, lucky nth happen..
at least i care for him although not so close..haha..
my mama is at there lookin aft him now..
i also dun noe when i hav eat a proper meal already..
n long time didnt eat a full lunch too..
i hav been hungry b4 holidays..
ytd in class wan to cry too..
but hold back.. haiz...
dun even wan to do hw nowadays..
every time thinkin abt japan make my heart beat faster..
i really in love in japan..
haiz.. ok.. b4 japan, i was in love with taiwan too..
tat time they say i done good in olvl they would bring me..
but now i nid to wait for years again.. haiz..
ok.. i also wan to say sry to those ppl i hav offended..
i was not in a good mood for 2 weeks n more..
but there also ppl r really make me angry..
Sunday, October 25, 2009,9:25 PM


ytd go to bugis with ママ..
ok.. back to bugis..
buy this hat, a bag n shoes(kind of boots)..
althought quite early to buy but at least try to buy some for now..
i wan to go taiwan..
Thursday, October 22, 2009,10:18 PM
today kind of a mute person..
anyway tmr thinkin to go northpoint..
emmm, thinkin about jia hui if he wanna come too..
hahaha.. today he say then i rmb..
we hav same sch for 12-13 yrs already..
but only this yr we same class..
haha.. forget all about it..
anyway, goin to slp now..
my parents say they can giv me $1000 if they go to taiwan w/o me..
i really wan to go taiwan too..
but now the tickets also very difficult to book..
so the nxt choice was hong kong too..
c how it goes tmr..
they goin to book tmr..
wish me luck tat they go to hong kong..
hehe.. ^^
ok.. jaa ne..
Gomen ne~
Wednesday, October 21, 2009,10:32 PM
today hav a meetin on japan trip..
but when i heard those malay or tamil ppl cannot eat some food..
make me feel irritated..
japan is famous with many seafood..
then y does they go?
they also dun noe about japanese language or culture..
cant tolerate ppl tat say bad things about japan things..
i really get angry easily..
but i noe tat i will eat everything in japan..
even raw food.. i even wan to try..
at least it was really really fresher than here..
arh.. wan to go now.. then jus live in there..
forget to say, when i reach there, i really goin to be a japanese girl..
if u talk to me, i will say back in japanese.. hehe..^^
if u wan to talk to me, at least learn some..
haha.. i so bad..
i myself also not so good too..
but here i didnt hav the chance to say it, so at least im goin to say it with all my might in japan..
but i can say is i at least better than those of u.. ha~
i noe im goin to improve myself when im at there..
tat time also improve a little bit for only a few hours..
feel a bit better today..
wish tmr will be better..
maybe really is about the japan trip..
or him??
hmmm, 27, same as me for the 2nd time..
but 1st time really is 31..
tell the truth for tat group only..
always lie i get 30 or 27.. haha.. ^o^/
at least my chi is 3, maybe same as him too..
he say his chi was good..
then the rest is 7 or 6.. i think hav a little different here..
cos my m is 4 for the 1st time, then 6 2nd time..
everytime i say i in e, everybody reaction is the same..
haiz.. i noe i didnt study hard tat time..
maybe keep thinkin about him in exam..
maa, really wish tmr is ok..
de wa~
Tuesday, October 20, 2009,2:21 PM
it was all rumors..
akanishi will not be fired from his company..
cos of a reason..
he still hav a movie on 2010..
he still nid to promote it..
NEW Paper jus go n die lah..
i really hate those ppl tat dun noe still wan to act noe..
but when i found this
http://entameblog.seesaa.net/category/1401840-1.htmlreally surprise on some of the news..
anyway i still wan KATTUN to hav new single out..
their song was really nice..
really cant feel happy at all..
n wat more tmr hav the meetin on japan trip..
jus cant happy on this reason only..
i noe i myself strange already..
dun ask me wat happen cos i also dun noe..
haha ^^
really dun noe wat happen to myself..
ok.. later goin to library to return books..
Friday, October 16, 2009,11:18 PM
i really hate my curfew..
today really wan to eat with them, but heard tat they will be goin somewhere else to eat..
make me back out..
cos i scared they will be eat until very late..
then i nid to rush home, i really hate it..
n they dun noe anythin about my curfew..
it was always my curfew tat make me cant eat with fren..
n i hav no chance to eat dinner with frens..
i think 19 yrs, 5 fingers still can count..
anyway today also go out eat dinner with mama n bro..
haiz.. look like i can only eat with them..
it really make me very lonely..
anyway when they goin overseas on dec 6 to 11, i goin to go out..
frens, pls contact me to eat dinner..
if not, i will be eatin dinner all by myself...
haiz.. make me cry again..
Thursday, October 15, 2009,9:50 PM
haiz.. i tot tat i can go both taiwan n japan..
haiz.. y does teacher change the date..
i really wan to go taiwan at least once..
please teacher, dun change the date..
sometimes really feel like ppl are like primary sch children..
"you beat me, then i dun friend you"
Monday, October 12, 2009,9:57 PM
today cant really smile in sch..
i tot i can be happy, but as the time goes by, gettin sadder n sadder..
n in sch didnt talk much..
feel like goin to my old past again..
y am i being bully again??
cryin more offen these few days..
on weekends, cry in the afternoon for the 1st time..
on the past, i scared bro will see it..
but on tat day jus cry on my bed..
lucky they didnt see it..
today aft sch went home, watch hidarime Tantei EYE..
gettin better tat time..
can see my yamada kun~
then jus now finally can watch my yatterman, aft so long..
n gettin really better..
tat show quite funny..
make me smile..
honto ni baka da yo..
i wan to kiss my sho kun too..
miss him already..
it was only japanese guys can make me feel happy..
tat time even janice talk to me about NEWS, make me so happy..
n fight with lya over tegoshi kun, also make me happy..
haha.. (^o^)/
i miss my tegoshi kun~
ok, later go n dream about them..
i also rmb, there was a time i hav nightmare for a few days continually..
it was about the same kind..
tat i DIE..
wat does it mean??
n i long time didnt hav nightmare already..
maaa~ i~ka~
mata ne~~~
Thursday, October 8, 2009,10:51 AM
Left 67 days~
dl songs~
keep thinkin about JaPANeSE~
esp. yamapi n ueda these few days~
how can tat trainer giv kame high marks than ueda~
didnt see how ueda being kiss by dogs~
ueda was so kawaii~~
Sunday, October 4, 2009,8:51 PM

aww.. feelin so sick..
wat more today is ueda tasuya birthday..
otanjoubi omedetou..
n tml they goin to hong kong..
jaa, mata ne..
later watch finish my music station, n go to sleep..
,6:39 PM
私のランキング (2月21日)-> (5月06日) -> (10月4日)
Arashi 嵐
1.相葉雅紀 Aiba Masaki --------------> 1.相葉雅紀 Aiba Masaki
1.櫻井翔 Sakurai Sho -----------------> 1.櫻井翔 Sakurai Sho
3.松本潤 Matsumoto Jun ------------> 3.松本潤 Matsumoto Jun
4 大野智 Ohno Satoshi ----------------> 4.大野智 Ohno Satoshi
5.二宮和也 Ninomiya Kakunari --------> 5.二宮和也 Ninomiya Kakunari
no change at all.. but really sad about matsujun.. cos i always tot he with INOUE MAO..
i also see theirs rings are the same type in my own eyes..
but then tat time she go to arashi shows..
make me notice their conversation.. haiz..
i really dun noe any more abt them.. dun noe if i sad or happy..
but ARASHI is the only group tat recognized straight away by their voice n back without lookin..
Tackey & Tsubasa タッキー&翼
1.滝沢秀明 Takizawa Hideaki --------> 1.滝沢秀明 Takizawa Hideaki
2.今井翼 Imai Tsubasa ----------------> 2.今井翼 Imai Tsubasa
here surely hav no change.. zutto.. same line forever \(>.<)/
1.手越 祐也 Tegoshi Yuya -------------> 1.手越 祐也 Tegoshi Yuya
1.増田 貴久 Masuda Takahisa -------> 1.増田 貴久 Masuda Takahisa
3.小山 慶一郎 Koyama Keiichiro ----> 3.小山 慶一郎 Koyama Keiichiro
3.加藤 成亮 Kato Shigeaki ------------> 3.山下 智久 Yamashita Tomohisa
3.山下 智久 Yamashita Tomohisa ---> 5.加藤 成亮 Kato Shigeaki
6.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryo --------------> 6.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryo
Yamapi hav rise.. cos jus watch finish buzzer beat.. (^o^)/
so shike drop.. gomen ne shike kun..
関ジャニ∞ Kanjani∞
1.大倉 忠義 Okura Tadayoshi -------------> 1.大倉 忠義 Okura Tadayoshi
2.安田章大 Yasuda Shota ------------------> 1.横山裕 Yokoyama Yu
2.横山裕 Yokoyama Yu ---------------------> 3.安田章大 Yasuda Shota
4.渋谷 すばる Shibutani Subaru ---------> 4.丸山 隆平 Maruyama Ryuhei
4.丸山 隆平 Maruyama Ryuhei -----------> 5.渋谷 すばる Shibutani Subaru
6.村上信五 Murakami Shingo -------------> 6.村上信五 Murakami Shingo
7.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryo --------------------> 7.錦戸 亮 Nishikido Ryo
YU kun is becos of THE QUIZ SHOW 2.. tat y..
then the rest didnt hav the chance to watch their shows yet..
1.上田竜也 Ueda Tatsuya ----------------> 1.上田竜也 Ueda Tatsuya
1.中丸雄一 Nakamaru Yuichi ------------> 2.中丸雄一 Nakamaru Yuichi
3.亀梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya -----------> 3.赤西仁 Akanishi Jin
3.赤西仁 Akanishi Jin----------------------> 3.田口淳之介 Taguchi Junnosuke
5.田口淳之介 Taguchi Junnosuke ----------> 5.亀梨和也 Kamenashi Kazuya
6.田中聖 Tanaka Koki --------------------> 6.田中聖 Tanaka Koki
hav a lot of changes.. nowadays watch their cartoon KATTUN..
but look like no much ppl dl theirs shows.. so sad.. (;-;)
Hey! Say! BEST
1.薮宏太 Yabu Kota -----------------> 1.薮宏太 Yabu Kota
1.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya------------> 1.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya
3.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki-------------> 3.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru
4.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei -----------------> 4.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei
5.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru --------> 5.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki
watch yabu kun from young.. would say hav watch his last time shows..
cos he same age with me.. ^o^
i wan to japan see him..
watch again ya-ya-yah, kind of like hikaru when he young..
he was so kawaii..
Hey! Say! 7
1.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri --------------> 1.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri
1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke ---------> 1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
1.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro ----> 3.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro
4.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito -----------> 3.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito
5.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto -----------> 5.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
okamoto kun kind of rise a bit.. cos i wan to talk to him in english..
at least he hav learn english in overseas..
Overrall in
Hey! Say! JUMP
1.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri ----------------> 1.知念侑李 Chinen Yuuri
1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke -----------> 1.山田涼介 Yamada Ryosuke
3.薮宏太 Yabu Kota ----------------------> 1.薮宏太 Yabu Kota
3.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya -----------------> 4.高木雄也 Takaki Yuya
3.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro --------> 5.森本龍太郎 Morimoto Ryutaro
6.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki ----------------> 6.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru
7.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei ---------------------> 7.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito
8.岡本圭人 Okamoto Keito --------------> 7.伊野尾慧 Inoo Kei
9.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto --------------> 7.有岡大貴 Arioka Daiki
10.八乙女光 Yaotome Hikaru------------> 10.中島裕翔 Nakajima Yuto
Friday, October 2, 2009,9:12 PM
know tat result r out..
but i really dun wan to see it before sch reopen..
it always the same..
i always last minute will see.. +.+
i dun wan to spoilt my feeling when i playin with all my might now..
oh ya.. i goin to improve my japanese..
although i know 7 languages.. ^^
1. chinese
2. english
3. japanese
4. spanish
5. korean
6. sign language
7. malay
goin to japan in 3 months n 12 days..
cant stop thinkin about it all the time..
but those 'other' things really stop thinkin abt it already..
i really dun wan to care about those things..
N they goin to hong kong in 3 days time..
wish they buy things back..
cos i will surely buy omiyake for them..
shhh... HI~MI~TSU~ da yo~
ok.. make myself tat i need to read japanese at least 3hrs a day..